I know it's been a long time since I've posted...there has been nothing to update about for a while. We've played phone tag with our caseworker a bazillion times since our home visit. It's so hard to get her on the phone to ask questions or work out anything. Nothing bad against her...she's awesome and we love her but caseworkers are just SO busy and have such huge loads. We're still in the beginning of this journey so we definitely aren't on the front burner for anything. Which is ok, I'm glad her focus is on who/what matters, but it is so darn hard to be patient some days!
Like I said, we've played lots of phone tag. After our home visit, we needed to get one more reference sent out and we need to fill out one more form (a parenting questionnaire). She had said she'd send them both out that week but days went by and nothing came (our friends who were to be our last reference never got anything either). I believe things got passed off to the people to send them out but I don't think they ever got sent...even after my calling and asking a few times.
Last Tuesday I was finally able to schedule a time (March 2) for us to go in to the office to do the parenting form with our CW (apparently we have to do that with her, she can't just send it...? ). No biggie, we'd rather have an actual date set and we have some questions about some stuff anyway. I asked about background checks because I know we need them but nothing had been said about them yet. She asked if we had been fingerprinted and we hadn't (they have to schedule it for/with us since they pay for it). We were supposed to get a call about that in the next day or two but by Friday we hadn't so I called her again and actually got to talk to her the same day! :) The lady who does the requests and appointment scheduling wouldn't be able to do it until this week sometime SO I've got my phone beside me waiting for that call! Hasn't come yet though.
The big (disappointing) news from that phone call? They (not sure if they is just the agency or the whole state) have to switch to new forms on March 1st....which for us means that all of our references have to be sent out AGAIN with the new forms on/after March 1st (today). And then when all of those are back in, our CW can start (finish?) writing up our report...which then has to go through the whole approval process. *sigh* I was so upset when I heard this, I thanked her for her hard work and for dealing with us/me calling a lot (she is working so hard) and I got off the phone and cried. I'll admit I was very angry. Not at her but just at the whole situation and that we are at least still another month out from getting approved and licensed. Thankfully I have great friends and an awesome husband who let me vent but reminded me that God is in control of this and He has a perfect plan for us and any kiddos we're meant to have....but it still is frustrating.
We meet with our CW tomorrow to go over our parenting form. It will help us all determine the best kids (age, number, developmental & physicals needs, etc.) suited for us and our home. We've talked about 3yrs and under from the beginning and that is really what I'd like to stick with but who knows?!
Prayer requests at this point would be for patience in this long process and that things will go quick and smooth from here on out. Also pray that we will be who we need to be for these kids when the calls start coming and that God will continue to shape us. Thanks friends!