About Us

Hubs &  Me (Jessi)
February 2009: We met, fell madly in love and were married within five months. Though we've had our ups and downs, we have never regretted it and are so happy to be going through life as best friends! Separately, before we were married, we were each convicted that it would be wrong for us to use birth control of any kind. We would LOVE to have a baby but we have yet to conceive. In the past there were moments filled with deep heartache and questions as to why God wasn't allowing us to conceive but through many prayers, God has brought us to a place of complete peace and we feel confident in God's timing for our family. We both feel sure that someday He will bless us with biological children but we also feel absolutely sure that we are right where God wants us...and that is starting this journey called foster care. We are so ready to open our hearts and home to children who need love and we look forward to seeing the ways it shapes and builds our family.

Summer 2011: I (Jessi) grew up as a missionary kid and have been on mission trips all throughout my life. I have always felt very drawn and called to work with orphans in some way but not until this last year did I truly understand how. The Hubs loves children and, I think, was the one who mentioned foster parenting first. Through LOTS of talking, reading, researching and praying we decided in the summer of 2011 to peruse what we felt God was calling us to do....become foster parents!

Fall 2011: We began our journey through a private Christian agency and that is where we are right now. You can visit the Timeline tab to read more about the process so far. We hope to be certified by the end of 2011/beginning of 2012.

We are so honored that God sees us fit for such an amazing calling. We are excited to be opening our home to children who need extra love and care. We ask for your prayers as we travel this road and also for the children who will travel it with us. Thank you for reading our story, for praying for us, encouraging us and supporting us through this. We couldn't do it without the awesome support we have from family and friends!

Fast forward and it's January 1st 2017: For several different reasons that I won't go in to details about (moves, jobs, life) we asked to close our home in the fall of 2015 and finally received an official letter of closure in August 2016.
We had planned to pursue becoming licensed with the Department of Children's Services (DCS) but didn't get around to it until now. We reached out December 2016 and are in the beginning stages of getting re-licensed through DCS. We're excited to be starting this journey again. The first goal is always to get the kids back to their parents and during their time with us our goal is to love them and nurture them as best we can. But should opportunity present itself, we do hope to grow our family through adopting through the foster care system.

Another journey has also been taking place in all of this...

May 2015: After 6yrs of not preventing and several years actively trying to conceive a child, we began our journey with a fertility clinic and working with an infertility specialist. You can read about that journey on the blog as well. Just look under the "fertility journey" tag.

June 2016: After lots of testing both Ben and I starting meds, we did several medicated cycles and moved on to IUI's (you can read what they are here and watch a 3D animation here). After six failed IUI cycles and the heartbreak to go along with them, January 2017 also brings us to the beginning of our probable IVF journey (you can read about IVF here and watch a 3D animation here).