On Feb 26 I woke up and took a pregnancy test. It was the second one I had taken this cycle, I took one two days before that I didn't really even watch because IF I was pregnant by some miracle, it was way too early to show up. When you've struggled with in infertility you're in one of two categories, you're either a POASA (pee on a stick addict which means you take home pregnancy tests even when you KNOW it won't be positive) or you avoid pregnancy tests like the plague. I am definitely in the first category. This time around I was just waiting for my period to come so I could start all of my IVF meds for our IVF cycle in March (did I ever even update and say that was the plan?). Anyway, I took a test when I woke up and set the timer on my phone and watched that little thing like a hawk...and my eyes (once again) started playing tricks on me. We call it "line eyes" in the infertility world...it's when you see two lines when really there is only one (which means, again not pregnant). I stared and rubbed my eyes, and held it at different angles...there were definitely TWO LINES. I immediately swung the bathroom door open and yelled to Ben "come look at this! Is there another line on here?! I think there are two lines" Bless him, he was sound asleep and didn't know what I was talking about. But once he woke up a little he agreed that there was a second line but he didn't believe it was dark enough to be true. Here's the thing, ANY second line within the time-frame is because you have the pregnancy hormone, just maybe not a high level yet. Y'all, my heart was going CRAZY! I was shaking so bad. Could this be for real?!
I took a picture and jumped on Facebook to post in my infertility group and ask the ladies who would know for sure if there was a second line. And the consensus was, I'M PREGNANT!!!!!
Unless you have a LOT of experience, you probably can't even see a second line in the picture. Trust me, it's there! Since then I've gone for two betas (blood tests that measure the level of the pregnancy hormone) and they have been beautiful and confirmed a pregnancy that is progressing well.
We are in complete shock still. I am having such a hard time believing this is actually real, not a prank, not some joke...I.am.pregnant. After over 7yrs, too many medicated cycles to count, six failed IUI's, right before starting meds for IVF...I'M PREGNANT!!!!!
I'll probably set this post to private for a while. I'm about 5wks now and have told our families and closest friends but will wait a bit longer to share with the world.