Monday, December 5, 2011

The Crib

After months of looking for a crib on craigslist and always finding them too late...we finally have a crib. :) It came with a mattress...but that mattress smells like cigarette smoke and leaves a gap all the way around the edge. I'm buying a brand new one save effort and ensure we get a good one. So much for a deal, I could of bought this same crib new for the same price. Ah well, you live and learn.

Speaking of finally finding a, we have a crib in our house! It's a welcomed (and slightly panic-inducing) sight to see when I'm walking down the hall. :) We are so excited but (I'm guessing that) just like if I were pregnant...there are SO many unknowns, that sometimes it's awesome and sometimes scary. I'm a ball of nerves and excitement all wrapped up in one these days.

We heard from our caseworker back on like the 17th...and haven't been able to get a hold of her since then. I know caseworkers are extremely busy so right now we're just waiting for directions on what the next step is. We still have a ways to go before we get approved (or not) but I wish it would speed up! I'm ready to be in the waiting for a child part. From what I've read though, SLOW is a theme in foster care. So I suppose patience must be one of the many things we'll learn from this journey. 

ps-we have a crib. :)

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